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March 16, 2001


I tried a reset once before, but it didn't work out, hence the wonky numbering.

NeoBaka was a comic about two geeks and a robot girl they seemingly inherit. The art was half-hearted, the writing was awful, the characters were forgettable, and the artist made Piro look like the pillar of self-esteem and confidence. But that wasn't why I did this.

Other than word of mouth, I was getting hits from the Keenspace dropdown, which I used to have on my site. Suddenly, my hits started dropping off, (few as they were) and I wondered why. I then found out that several Keenspace artists had lobbyed to get me kicked off the dropdown, because I "wasn't representing the Keenspace comics well" or to put it in more blunt terms, give already bad comics a bad name.

As you probably already guessed, this pissed me off greatly.

On my message board (I was using that piece of shit EZBoard at the time), I ripped them a new asshole, with the most infammatory, apocalyptic post I'd ever written. This pissed off NeoBaka's readers and almost made the author commit suicide (not really, but man I think I hit a nerve in him. You shoulda seen his response.) Then, one of my forum trolls suggested the title for this particular strip. After that, it just wrote itself.

Her "having no vagina" came from a similar comic Clay did for his and Tang Ho's strip, Sunday Morning Coffee.

NeoBaka is dead now, and I like to think I'm one of the ones who killed it. I can't stand anything that caters to fanboys exclusively.